The Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Society Jazz Festival will be Online in 2020

Join our Free Live Stream Friday July 31st and Saturday August 1st.


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Virtual Bix Festival 2020

The Chicago Cellar Boys
The Chicago Cellar Boys

The Bix Jazz Society is excited to announce we are hosting a VIRTUAL JAZZ FEST on July 31st & August 1st – for free.  Covid-19 may be separating us, but through Bix, Jazz, and technology we will unite.

The 49th annual Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Jazz Festival will feature six bands on the Bix YouTube channel and Facebook page.  The dates and times will be Friday, July 31st from 6pm to 9pm and Saturday, August 1st from 6pm – 9pm.  These premieres may be viewed on a smartphone, tablet, desktop or laptop computer or a television screen.  Look on our site here for more information in the future.

Joe Smith and the Spicy Pickles

Bands scheduled to perform on July 31st & Aug. 1st are: Joe Smith and the Spicy Pickles (Denver); Chicago Cellar Boys, led by Andy Schumm; Vine Street Rumble (Kansas City); NOLA (Des Moines); and from the Quad Cities, Josh Duffee Quartet, and the Bix Youth Band, comprised of QCA teens.

Typically, this event is the Society’s chance to pay for operating expenses for the next year. This year is anything but typical.  Funds earned are also used to sponsor the Bix Youth Jazz Band and Director, provide music scholarships, promote traditional Jazz era music, and Bix history.  We will be accepting donations to help offset the costs of providing this virtual Jazz Fest, music scholarships and programs.  Donations are not required to participate.  The Bix Jazz Society appreciates your support during this time.

Visit the Home of The Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Society on the web:

Support the Bix Beiderbecke Memorial Society

Donate Now:

You can send a check to BBMS, 129 N. Main St. Davenport, IA 52801. 

B.B.M.S. is a non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible. Or, if you like, call the B.B.M.S, office, (563) 324-7170, for the various donor levels or check our website on the  Sponsorship Opportunities page.

Joe Bebco is the Associate Editor of The Syncopated Times and Webmaster of

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