Clarinetist Bob Schroeder has died

Bob SchroederClarinetist and vocalist Bob Schroeder passed away April 27th at age 92.  Bob played professionally for 75 years, beginning in his hometown of St. Louis, followed by Chicago, New Orleans, Phoenix, Key West, and Ft. Myers.  Bob played and recorded with the likes of Pee Wee Irwin, Jimmy McPartland, Wild Bill Davidson, Stumptown Jazz, Professor Plum, The Desert City 6, and for the past 20 years with Pat O’Brien’s Palm City Jazz.

As an entertainer, Bob was known for his virtuoso swing clarinet, as well as his “vintage” jokes on the bandstand.  Bob may have been one of the last living musicians to meet and become friendly with Louis Armstrong and Elvis Presley.  Bob was also a card carrying journeyman electrician, and was hired to help construct Disney’s Epcot Center.  Bob’s loving wife (and occasional sound engineer) of 63 years, Kaye, passed just two weeks after husband Bob.

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