Quarter Notes

Quarter Notes February 2024

And The Band Played On… The venerable 62-year old Preservation Hall has announced an expansion of its facilities to further support the 12-year old Preservation

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Back in My Own Backyard!

The May 21st meeting of the Arizona Classic Jazz Society celebrated Cheryl Thurston’s birthday. The talented and multi-instrumentalist is well known in the Society and

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Autumn in New…Orleans!

It is glorious time of the year when summer (and hurricane season) ends, when strolls through the French Quarter are pleasant and when parading groups

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Swing That Music!

In Chandler, Arizona, the Arizona Classic Jazz Society reconvened after their summer hiatus to enjoy the Wildcat Jazz Band at their monthly event in September.

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Hot Jazz and Cool Breezes!

Leaving Southern Arizona’s summer heat for the cooler mountains of Northern Arizona, it was time to attend the Prescott Jazz Summit for a weekend of

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Portrait of vocalist Quiana Lynell - oil on canvas by Emilie Rhys.

Oh, What a Night!

It seems that during the annual hurricane season, New Orleans and the French Quarter delight in providing lots of distractions to benefit both local musicians,

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