Daniel C. Grinstead, 74, of cancer on September 6th. His musical interest turned to early jazz and ragtime in his teen years and he found work fixing pianos part time from age 16-30. He joined the union and found work in a hotel band at 21, learning to play anything in any key. He pursued a degree in ethnomusicology and worked in the archive at the University of Washington. He also founded a business based on his other passion, restoring old boats.
As a performer, he worked with Hokum Jeebs who revived vaudeville in Seattle until his untimely death in 2003. He also played for many years with the Evergreen Classic Jazz Band led by Tom Jacobus. In a peak life moment, he combined his hobbies hosting The Evergreens and guests on one of his boats during the Olympia Tugboat Race. After a nine year battle with prostate cancer, he composed his own fascinating obituary which was published in the Seattle Times on September 13-14.
You can read it here.
Joe Bebco is the Associate Editor of The Syncopated Times and Webmaster of SyncopatedTimes.com