Different types of Ukulele tunings

As Ukulele is becoming more popular people are learning the basics of string names and a few basic chords, as well as all the different types of ukulele tunings. Some of the best advice we can give when it comes to ukulele tunings is based on how tight the string is, how thick, and how long.  When learning about the different types of ukulele tunings it is important to understand that every tuning is based on the instrument type.

Every instrument has a standard tuning, while for some string instruments this can´t be changed, the ukulele has a standard tuning – gCEA – the higher pitch g, and its unique higher outside strings and lower-middle strings. To make matters easier this is called a re-entrant tuning. More about this later.


So, let’s first explain what are the different types of tunings, before you start playing some famous ukulele songs.


As mentioned, the ukulele tunings are different from every ukulele, the standard uke’s being soprano, tenor and baritone. In order to properly tune a soprano ukulele, whether you are going to do it by ear or by a tuner, the main advice from experts is to start with the reference C note.

No matter which way, try to acquire this note and loosen up the strings to the lower level of the desired tightness. Next, it is important to find the thickest string to the middle reference C note. As mentioned whether you do this by ear or use a tuner, it is important you follow a certain path.


If you are a beginner, it might be best for you to try and tune your ukulele with a tuner, as the vibration will show which strings are lower or higher and you can adjust it accordingly. There is also a possibility of high G tuning, which has a purpose to give your ukulele a nicer and smoother sound and brightness when playing.


When it comes to tenor tuning of a ukulele, there are some advantages and disadvantages of a tenor compared to soprano or concert. Since mentioned above, the standard ukulele tuning would be a C tuning, due to the reentrant tuning and the fact that the lowest pitch across all the strings is C, it is important we additionally mention the G, C, E and A tuning which are identical to the soprano and the concert tunings.

Specifically tenor ukulele, has advantages when it comes to handling, It’s more comfortable to hold and play for people with larger hands or familiarity with larger stringed instruments. At the end of the day all of this comes down to preference.  If you are really stuck on having a tenor uke, invest some time into finding the right size and type for you in order to produce the best sound possible.

Of course the main advantages are that you can use your skills, type, tuning and everything on a soprano and tenor and concert uke. Someone once told us that the disadvantages are few as everything revolves around your personal preference, wants, needs and simply put, love of music and the desire to make music. Everything falls short in comparison.


This ukulele is actually one of the most popular ukuleles with beginners as its nature, tuning, size and style makes it very easy to phase into from any other string instrument such as guitar. This lightweight portable alternate to a guitar will offer you flexibility when it comes to holding and tuning.


Its tuning style is based on the D-G- B-E. This is directly connected to the top four strings of a guitar tuning. This uke will offer you an amazing strong sound while the grip you have of it is light and allows you to have easier and smoother transitions between strings. We should emphasize the need for the baritone ukulele to be tuned and only used with its own baritone ukulele strings. This is especially important when it comes to maintaining and keeping your uke in good condition.

Musicians tune the ukulele the way they do to make the sound and the voicing create that perfect, bright and unique sound they envision. It’s an important skill to learn, and understand as you become a better player.

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