Dixieland Dykes +3 Founder Lisa Canjura-Clayton has died.

Lisa Canjura-ClaytonLisa Canjura-Clayton passed away on May 31st, she was 57. She was a prominent member of the San Francisco area LGBT community. At every stage of marriage equality from civil unions on she rushed to again join her life partner Sally. They were pictured on the cover of The San Francisco Chronicle when then mayor, now Governor, Gavin Newsom began marrying couples in defiance of the state.

She  graduated San Francisco State University, majoring in mathematics, and won a full scholarship to UC Davis to pursue a master’s degree. She published several papers and was running websites for local organizations in the 90s. In 2001 she was featured in the documentary American Mullet


Inspired by hearing recorded music at a Gay Mardi Gras party and realizing how much better live music would make the festivities, she founded the Dixieland Dykes +3 in 1995. The group was the longtime house band for the Positive Resource Center’s Pride Brunch and performed at local Mardi Gras events, parades, her UU church, and any function calling for joyous music.Dixieland Dykes

She was also drum major and president of the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band in the early 2000’s, leading the group at parades around the state. She had been an active member of the community marching band since the early 90s and recruited members of the Dixieland Dykes from within the group.

Joe Bebco is the Associate Editor of The Syncopated Times and Webmaster of SyncopatedTimes.com


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