Jazz Jottings November 2020

Scott Anthony is known to jazz fans as the leader of the Golden Gate Rhythm Machine and the guitarist in Bob Schultz’s Frisco Jazz Band. He has also had a 40-year career as an artist in oil, watercolor, and acrylic, winning numerous awards and according to his website, having his paintings displayed in over 3,000 corporate and private collections. Scott was drawn to painting, initially in watercolors, during his sophomore year at Dartmouth College where he was a biology major specializing in ecology and evolutionary biology. It wasn’t long before a local gallery in Hanover, NH offered to display some of his paintings, and he soon developed an extensive list of collectors. As Scott explained, “I fell in love with the process of sketching structures and New England landscapes and translating them into finished paintings. I began to view almost every landscape as a possible subject for a painting, unconsciously rearranging and filtering elements and determining how light hits the scene to produce the most visual impact.” “My ultimate motivation for painting has always been my intense desire to share the beauty and unity of the natural world. I want people to feel the same joy and excitement that I do when a beautiful scene suddenly pops into view. I love exploring how the sun
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The Syncopated Times is a monthly publication covering traditional jazz, ragtime and swing. We have the best historic content anywhere, and are the only American publication covering artists and bands currently playing Hot Jazz, Vintage Swing, or Ragtime. Our writers are legends themselves, paid to bring you the best coverage possible. Advertising will never be enough to keep these stories coming, we need your SUBSCRIPTION. Get unlimited access for $30 a year or $50 for two.

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Lew Shaw started writing about music as the publicist for the famous Berkshire Music Barn in the 1960s. He joined the West Coast Rag in 1989 and has been a guiding light to this paper through the two name changes since then as we grew to become The Syncopated Times.  47 of his profiles of today's top musicians are collected in Jazz Beat: Notes on Classic Jazz.Volume two, Jazz Beat Encore: More Notes on Classic Jazz contains 43 more! Lew taps his extensive network of connections and friends throughout the traditional jazz world to bring us his Jazz Jottings column every month.

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