Letters April 2024

You Call That a Monitor? Here’s a Monitor! 

To the Editor:

Thanks for your good works.


On large monitors: I am using the 55″ 1080P flat panel in our living room as a monitor. 1080P flat panels are cheap as they are now obsolescent with 4K flat panels now being standard, but since they all use HDMI and HDMI is a standard PC/Mac interface connecting them is not a problem.

Their large size means nearsightedness is not a problem. The Vizio I have came with a tabletop mounting and sound bar I don’t use but the mount makes it easier to use than a wall mount.

The only problem I’ve had (not with the 55″) is that the oldest 1080P units are not really 1080P but have a lower resolution with a converter that results in a larger pixel size and format problems.

ragtime book

I’m assuming that a new 4K flat panel would also work, and those are available in 45″ formats relatively cheaply. However, my 55″ was a gift from a person whom I helped move and I’ve been offered another at the same price that I didn’t need.

Michael L. Squires

Bloomington, IN

Thank you for sharing that! The 27-inch monitor is working out pretty well for me (so far), but I’ll consider the jumbo option—assuming I can obtain a larger desk! – Ed.

A Lifetime of Banjo Playing

To the Editor:

I apologize for missing the payment back in September 2023. Perhaps my old age (87) is catching up on me. Enclosed is a check for $80.00 to carry me into 2025.

My favorite part of the Syncopated Times continues to be “Static From My Attic.” Your column always is interesting and amusing. The variety of columns by Jeff Barnhart, Shelly Gallichio, Hal Smith, Scott Yanow Ted des Plantes, and Phil Crumley are always a treat to read. Also important is the Festival Roundup encouraging festival goers to keep in touch with which bands are going where and when.

A Phil Cartwright Ukelele Banjo. He began making them in the 1990s and they are now sought after instruments.

Speaking of age, I am now in my 67th year playing traditional jazz as a vocalist and tenor banjo player. I started back in 1957 as an undergrad at the University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign. From there I was lucky enough to play in bands in the various cities in which I was a university professor and researcher: Chicago, Pittsburgh, Honolulu, State College (PA), Cleveland, London, England, and Davis, CA. I was fortunate to play with jazz bands everywhere I went, including my retirement location in Napa, CA. Here in the Bay Area, I usually several gigs per month, Some of which actually pay the bands!

During the pandemic years, I looked back over those many bands and the recordings made with some of them. I was surprised to find that I had recorded 409 different songs with 18 different bands! That prompted me to document the songs, bands, and other music related information that I have enjoyed over the years. Fortunately, I have a very talented 21-year-old granddaughter who helped me create a website.

Fresno Dixieland Festival

The website contains a lot of information that you will not have time to read, but you might like to peek at the Discography portion. The website is: www.phil.cartwright.info.

My wife, Carol, and I are off to a two-week cruise in the Caribbean in March but I will not

be taking my banjo!

Red Wood Coast

Best regards to you and your staff. I look forward to reading the April 2024 issue of The Syncopated Times.

G. Phillip Cartwright (AKA Phil)


Napa, CA

Thank you for your kind note and your renewal! Your story made me realize that I’ve been playing guitar for almost 50 years now, and piano about 43. If I keep at them a few more years I might get good enough to play out! – Ed.

Andy Senior is the Publisher of The Syncopated Times and on occasion he still gets out a Radiola! podcast for our listening pleasure.

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