Letters to the Editor February 2017

To the Editor:

Many thanks for the fantastic article you penned and published regarding Dan Levinson’ Roof Garden Jass Band celebrating the centenary of the ODJB.Dan Levinson Roof Garden Jazz Band

I am honored to be pianist for many of the band’s gigs next year and especially excited that the RGJB will present music at the Seaside Jazz Festival in Seaside, OR on February 26, 2017, the date your article reminded us is 100 years to the day after the ODJB completed their first recording session for Victor. Everything old IS new again!


Jeff Barnhart
Mystic, CT

Would that we could all be here 100 years hence, at the Bicentennial of Recorded Jazz. What a celebration that will be! And by then all the songs and recordings we love will finally (probably) be in the Public Domain. —Ed.

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