Letters to the Editor October 2022

Finding Steph and Paolo 

To the Editor:

I am enclosing rny check for a two-year subscription to The Syncopated Times. I just thought I would mention that Stephanie Trick & Paolo Alderighi are now including their arrangements of Glen Gray’s “Casa Loma Stomp” and “Sunrise Serenade” in some of their concerts. I was able to see a live performance of these tunes thanks to noticing an advertisement in your paper regarding their August 26th concert in Rolling Hills, California.

Rocky Teague
Oakhurst, CA

I am most grateful for your renewal—and I am delighted you had a chance to hear Stephanie and Paolo because of something you read in The Syncopated Times! Celebrating such magnificent musicians is exactly why TST exists!

Hats Off to Herb! 

To the Editor:

I continue to enjoy Lew Shaw’s ramblings in the Times and was particularly taken by his recent generous coverage of the multi-talented Herb Gardner. He deserves this attention. What New York City lost has been New England’s gain.

Stan Vincent
New Black Eagle Jazz Band

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