Monterey Jazz Bash By the Bay announces cancellation for 2021

With heavy hearts, although with much pride, Brian Holland and Jeff Barnhart, along with the Board of Dixieland Monterey, announce the cancellation of the 41st annual Jazz Bash By the Bay in Monterey, CA, originally scheduled for March 4-7, 2021.

Our hearts are heavy as we love being involved with one of the very best annual classic jazz festivals in the world.  Our pride lies in the fact that our board is making a responsible move, as so many festivals have done in 2020, and so many will likely do in 2021, to lessen the chances that even one of our audience members, sponsors, patrons, volunteers or musicians will succumb to this current and continuing pandemic because we went ahead with our festival as planned.


Following is the official statement from the board of MJBBTB:

“We are cancelling because we CARE!”

The Board of Directors of Dixieland Monterey, after much consideration, has voted to cancel Jazz Bash by the Bay 2021 because of the risks posed by COVID-19.  The majority of our demographic falls within the most at-risk population.  Even with conflicting reports of when a vaccine might be available to all Americans, we do not want to put anybody involved with the festival at risk.


Will a vaccine be available soon enough before our festival for everybody to receive their two doses and time to develop their own immunity?  We don’t know and care enough about all of you to not take the chance.

Will California – Monterey County specifically – be able to hold large indoor gatherings and concerts by early March?  We don’t know.

Jazz Bash by the Bay
The Jazz Bash by the Bay was one of the last events last spring before the virus began to shut things down. Photo from last year’s event, courtesy Facebook.

Would everybody feel comfortable and safe without thinking of the risk?  Probably not.

We want Dixieland Monterey’s Jazz Bash by the Bay to retain the joyful party atmosphere we all so highly treasure at our beautiful event instead of everyone walking on eggshells and very much on edge.

So, with that said, please put March 3-6 2022 on your calendar for the best Jazz Bash by the Bay ever.  We plan to invite the bands and musicians who had verbally committed to 2021 plus many more.  More information will be on our website as plans develop.


Stay safe! We care about each and every one of you.”

By Jeff Barnhart and Brian Holland

Brian Holland is a Ragtime piano wizard, Ragtime writer, and the founder of the Stomptime! Ragtime Cruise. He performs regularly with Danny Coots as Holland and Coots. Write him at

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