New Year’s Evolution

Here I am. Just about three years later still not doing much of anything. And unlike many of you it took me until a few months ago to get myself a new couch to do nothing on. I hear you… “Oh, please don’t mention the C word.” I won’t. On NPR I heard cases are up 90%. Y’all are news reading folks you know. “It” is on the rise and the flu is really a bad one this year. I had to take Mom to the emergency room for a power UTI and the nurses gave me the low down, they were having a deep run of a variety of viruses and the standing room only crowd that night was heavy on flu. (That ER looked like a Target was having a “buy one smart tv and get one free” sale.) The sounds of the seasons: barking mad coughs, screaming feverish children, and adults too sick to make any sounds. I swear I could see the virus crystals dangling like tinsel. Those nurses were amazing. Triaging mom fairly quickly, we were “lucky” in that she was in the computer system as having almost died of the same thing three years ago (almost to the day). They started an IV of fluids and eventually a strong intravenous antibiotic for her UTI. Then the doctor told me to get her out. I got her to my place for a two-week recovery. If this had been 2018 she might have stayed overnight but there was not a bed to be had. It was much better to leave before we got a Gift with Purchase. I’m done with it.
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Randi Cee is a bandleader and a swing and hot jazz vocalist living in LA. Her CD, Any Kind of Man, is available via To see clips from her acting and dance career watch this video. For booking information, write:

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