Steve Pistorius Discography

Note: Most of the recent recordings by Steve Pistorius are available from the Louisiana Music Factory . Bandcamp also has some of the newest albums available as CDs or downloads. Jazzology Records stocks all the sessions Steve recorded for the associated labels. Older recordings on Stomp Off may often be found on eBay, Amazon Marketplace, and CDandLP.

Antilles Records

Dr. Michael White “Crescent City Serenade”
Antilles ‎– 422-848 545-2

“New Year’s at the Village Vanguard”
Antilles ‎– 314-512 168-2

Basin Street Records

Dr. Michael White “Jazz from the Soul of New Orleans” BSR 0502-2

“Dancing in the Sky” BSR 0503-2

“Blue Crescent” BSR 0504-2

“Adventures in New Orleans Jazz, vol. 1” BSR 0505-2

“Adventures in New Orleans Jazz, vol. 2” BSR 0506-2

“Tricentennial Rag” BSR 0507 – 2

Gentilly Records

Tim Laughlin “New Standards”

GHB/Jazzology/Audiophile/Solo Art

Ernie Carson and the Castle Jazz Band “At the Hookers’ Ball” GHB BCD 125

“Christmas at the Castle” GHB BCD 330

“If I Had a Talking Picture of You” GHB BCD 385

Chris Clifton and his All – Stars “Memory of a Friend” GHB BCD 190

Charlie Fardella and his Sensation Jazz Band Jazzology JCD 287

Jacques Gauthe’ and his Creole Rice Jazz Band of New Orleans featuring Bob Helm “Yerba Buena Style” GHB BCD 331

Lee Gunness Sings The Blues GHB BCD 314

Reckless Blues GHB BCD 521

Bob Havens & his Jazz Band “Back Home Again in New Orleans” Jazzology JCD 364

Duke Heitger’s Krazy Kapers Jazzology JCD 339

Duke Heitger’s New Orleans Wanderers with Bob Havens “What is This Thing Called Love?” Jazzology JCD 361

Duke Heitger’s Steamboat Stompers GHB BCD 399

vol. 2 GHB BCD 534

Jazzology All-Stars 50th Anniversary Jazz Bash Jazzology JCD 350

Barbara Lea with Bob Havens’ Jazz Band “Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans?” Audiophile ACD 333

Claude Luter – Jacques Gauthe’ Sextet “Red Hot Reeds” GHB BCD 219

New Orleans Joymakers with Topsy Chapman GHB BCD 484

Steve Pistorius “Rags and Stomps” Solo Art SACD 123

Steve Pistorius & the Mahogany Hall Stompers “’Tain’t No Sin” GHB BCD 289

Steve Pistorius Trio “Under the Creole Moon” GHB BCD 552

George Probert “The Incredible George Probert” GHB BCD 70

Hal Smith’s Creole Sunshine Band “Bourbon Street Memories” GHB BCD 350

“Sweet Little Papa” GHB BCD 403

Smith – Tyle Frisco Syncopators “Milneburg Joys” GHB BCD 277

Chris Tyle’s Silver Leaf Jazz Band of New Orleans “New Orleans Wiggle” GHB BCD 347

Sylvia “Kuumba” Williams “From New Orleans” GHB BCD 319

Good Time Jazz

Chris Tyle’s Silver Leaf Jazz Band “Great Composers of New Orleans Jazz” GTJ 15005

Independent Labels

Benny Amón’s New Orleans Pearls

Creole Syncopators “The Storyville Years”

Charlie Halloran and the Quality Six

Alex Owen’s Messy Cookers Jazz Band: “Get Out and Get Under the Moon”

“That’s My Home”

Steve Pistorius “Living Room Sessions, vol. 1”

“New Orleans Shuffle”

“Steamboat Days”

Steve Pistorius Quartet: “The Music of Bunk Johnson; Live at Snug Harbor”

Lort Records

Rick Trolsen “Sunrise on Bourbon Street”

MBM Records

Mark Braud “Hot Sausage Rag”

Stomp Off Records

Eddie Bayard’s New Orleans Classic Jazz Orchestra vol. 2 “Blowin’ Off Steam” Stomp Off CD 1223

Down Home Jazz Band “Dancing the Jellyroll” Stomp Off CD 1316

Frisco Syncopators. “San Francisco Bound” Stomp Off CD SOS 1211

Chris Tyle’s New Orleans Rover Boys “Tribute to Benny Strickler” Stomp Off CD 1235

Chris Tyle’s Silver Leaf Jazz Band “The Smiler” Stomp Off CD SOS 1258

“Sugar Blues: A Tribute to King Oliver” Stomp Off CD SOS 1298

“Here Comes the Hot Tamale Man: An Homage to Freddie Keppard” Stomp Off CD SOS 1311

John Gill’s Dixieland Serenaders “Looking for a Little Bluebird” Stomp Off CD 1295

“Take Me To That Midnight Cakewalk Ball” Stomp Off CD 1304

“Listen To That Dixie Band” Stomp Off CD 1321

John Gill’s Novelty Orchestra of New Orleans “Smile, Darn Ya, Smile” Stomp Off CD 1227

vol. 2 “Headin’ for Better Times” Stomp Off CD 1270

Steve Pistorius & the Mahogany Hall Stompers “Kiss Me, Sweet” Stomp Off CD 1221

Bob Schulz’s Frisco Jazz Band “Travelin’ Shoes” Stomp Off CD 1315

Video Links

The Johnny Dodds Music “I’m Goin’ Huntin’”

“Wild Man Blues”

Duke Heitger “Wolverine Blues”

Duke Heitger’s Steamboat Stompers “Sweet Lovin’ Man”

Steve Pistorius “Weary Blues”

Steve Pistorius Quartet Live at Preservation Hall “Bright Star Blues”

“Kiss Me, Sweet”

Steve Pistorius Quartet Live at Steamboat Stomp “Forty and Tight”

Steve Pistorius Southern Syncopators “Frog-I-More Rag”

C.W. Stoneking “Good Luck Charm”

Hal Smith is an Arkansas-based drummer and writer. He leads the El Dorado Jazz Band and the
Mortonia Seven and works with a variety of jazz and swing bands. Visit him online at

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