The Lost Hook Tapes

It really is a waiting game based on luck and endurance. I am banking on the idea that if you stick to your artistic career long enough all the riff raff will fall away and you will be standing with the aid of a cane or walker, waving your hands in the air, finally visible. BAM! You will be discovered for the talent you have always had. I am starting to limp so maybe it’s coming. Every once in a while, the universe steps up its game with a tease and it’s just enough to keep you involved with your abusive lover, aka your career, and if you focus on gratitude your eyes may open to some of the amazing experiences you’ve had. About a year ago a person I don’t know on Facebook, a friend of a college friend sent me a direct message asking if I had worked on the film Hook. He connected me with Michael Matessino. Michael was working with the approval of Sony music, Stephen Spielberg, John Williams, and Leslie Bricusse to bring the lost music of the Hook soundtrack to life in a beautiful three-disc set, now available on LA LA Land Records. Prior to this he had been the producer on many of these expanded, restored, and remastered soundtracks, including The Sound of Music. These projects take years and years. In the case of Hook the green light came in 2016. He was simultaneously working on the anniversary project for ET. My three months on the Hook set is by film standards a long t
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Randi Cee is a bandleader and a swing and hot jazz vocalist living in LA. Her CD, Any Kind of Man, is available via To see clips from her acting and dance career watch this video. For booking information, write:

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