This event was Cancelled. Will be back in 2021
The 54th annual West Texas Jazz Party is rescheduled for August 6-8, 2020 in the beautiful brand-new Odessa Marriott Hotel & Convention Center.
It was during a visit to Dick Gibson’s famous Aspen jazz party that Dr. O.A. (Jimmie) Fulcher first conceived the idea of bringing world-class jazz to West Texas.
Dr. Fulcher wondered why West Texas couldn’t be host to a similar party. While in Aspen, he talked the idea over with some of the country’s top jazz musicians. They liked the idea. Then Jimmie returned home and immediately set about the task of selling the plan to a number of his friends. The Odessa Jazz Association was formed and the rest is history.
The First Annual Odessa Jazz Party was held in 1967. For five nights the old Terrace Room of the Golden Rooster Club high atop the historic Inn of the Golden West provided the setting for some of the nation’s best jazz performers.
During the first party 124 stalwart jazz enthusiasts thirstily absorbed every note and the legacy of West Texas jazz was born. By the 5th annual party in excess of 350 energetic patrons from coast to coast were drawn to the jazz Mecca of the Odessa Jazz Party. In just 5 years the concept had grown from what many had considered to be an impossibility on the staked plains of West Texas into an event of national significance.
In 1977 Max Christensen and a group of Midland jazz enthusiasts formed the Midland Jazz Association and the Midland Jazz Classic was born. Over the 53-year history of the events the two parties have hosted jazz greats from around the world.
Musicians scheduled to appear at this year’s party include Russ Phillips, Warren Vache, Jon Allred, Johnny Varro, Nate Najar, Frank Tate, and more! Visit for all the details and to purchase tickets.
Eric Baker has been serving as President of the West Texas Jazz Society for 2 years. He is a trumpet player who performs all genres of music, and is married with three beautiful daughters.