Annie and the Hedonists

On July 8, 2017, Annie and the Hedonists appeared at Arrowhead Park in Inlet, New York. The group is a vocal and instrumental quartet consisting of Annie Rosen, lead vocals; Jonny Rosen, guitar; Peter Davis, clarinet, banjo, and tenor guitar; and Don Young, string bass. Hannah Rosen also appeared on vocals. Your editor and his wife happened to catch their performance by sheer chance while on a brief stay in the Adirondacks.Annie and the Hedonists

Their music was a delight and veered into early jazz, folk, and country—all harmoniously sung and played. This musical encounter was serendipitous because we were familiar with the group’s excellent CD, Women Be Wise. At their show, we were lucky enough to acquire their delightful new album, Tonal Indulgence, which will be reviewed in a subsequent issue of The Syncopated Times. Visit them online at (concert photograph by Steve Birkeland,


Read our Review of Annie and the Hedonists Bring It On Home

Andy Senior is the Publisher of The Syncopated Times and on occasion he still gets out a Radiola! podcast for our listening pleasure.

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