20th Evergreen Festival Hits a Rocky Mountain High Note
The 20th Evergreen Jazz Festival, held July 28-30 in Evergreen, Colorado, continued the event’s reputation for presenting big talent in intimate venues with a scenic
The 20th Evergreen Jazz Festival, held July 28-30 in Evergreen, Colorado, continued the event’s reputation for presenting big talent in intimate venues with a scenic
Sterling Nelson, founder of what one national columnist hailed as “the best jazz festival anywhere!”, died February 22, just two days short of his ninety-first
Evergreen, Colo., is about 1400 miles from New Orleans. But July 26-28, the scenic mountain community will become “Bourbon Street with Altitude” as it hosts
Evergreen, Colorado, is about 1400 miles from New Orleans. But from July 28th through the 30th, the scenic mountain community will again become “Bourbon Street