I love you and the horse you rode in on;
I see you there
Mounted on your mare—
You make quite a striking pair
As the wind blows through your golden hair.
I love you and the horse you rode in on;
It’s madness, true,
Feeling like I do—
Yet I’ll be a little blue
‘Til you let me ride side-saddle, too.
We’ll gallop and we’ll canter and we’ll trot
And what will mean an awful lot
Is if you let me pet her rich gold mane—
The thrill will drive me half insane;
I love you and the horse you rode in on;
The joy I see
Waiting for we three
Is a destiny enjoyed by but a few;
For I love you—and your horsie, too.
– Andy Senior (June 20, 1994)
Andy Senior is the Publisher of The Syncopated Times and on occasion he still gets out a Radiola! podcast for our listening pleasure.