I probably don’t state this often enough, but I am most happy when a subscriber, having finished reading an issue of The Syncopated Times, passes it on to another current (or potential) fan of the music we all love. Last month in my “Static” column, I made some grouchy noises about lapsed subscriptions, but I’m not grubbing for coin. I mainly want the assurance that the paper is being read by those who will most enjoy it.
Jazz great Ed Polcer took my complaints to heart and sent in a check. I wasn’t aiming my remarks at him personally but I am honored by his payment—and his unsolicited testimonial. Ed wrote: “Your last ‘Static from the Attic’ finally pushed my guilt button. Many thanks for sending the ‘freebies’ over the past year. Again, my compliments on a great publication. TST makes me proud to be a part of a great community!”
I’m not here to push guilt buttons. Heaven knows I have enough work just pushing the buttons on my computer keyboard. And then there is the Panic button, which I depress when the printer’s deadline impends and I haven’t pushed those other buttons fast enough.
It’s summer (finally) and in July. . .I have another issue to get out. This one has been a remarkably trouble-free production—except for my own writing, which is always done at the last minute. (Editor, heed thy own deadline!) But before starting the (Sisyphean) ball rolling for August, I intend to listen to a few records (sitting here by my elbow), and strum a few chords on my guitar.
The intentions (however ineptly carried out) are serious. I do like to maintain a physical and practical connection to music, and it’s easy to lose the thread. The last time I sat down at a stray piano I played the verse and half the chorus of “Tea for Two” before I had to be somewhere else. That’s no way to live, or it shouldn’t be.
Such disparate thoughts aside, it would greatly add to my satisfaction with the July issue (which I am just now wrapping up) if you would share it with a friend or neighbor. If you already do so—Thank you!
Andy Senior is the Publisher of The Syncopated Times and on occasion he still gets out a Radiola! podcast for our listening pleasure.