Dave Doyle

Dave Doyle is a swing dancer, dance teacher, and journalist based in Gloucestershire, England. Write him at [email protected]. Find him on Twitter @DaveDoyleComms.

The Hot Toddies Jazz Band

The Toddies are something of a supergroup. Led by celebrated stage composer Patrick Soluri on drums, the outfit boasts veteran bandleader Gordon Webster on keys,

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Jeremy Monteiro Sings

One of the great perks of writing for the Syncopated Times is that people are forever sending you records and imploring you to review them.

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Masumi Ormandy • Beyond the Sea

One depressing trend emerging from some of my recent artist interviews—specifically those profiling younger women—is a fear that they will become unemployably elderly before reaching

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The New Wonders album cover

The New Wonders

You can bet an album review is going to be positive when, by the time you read it, I’ve already learned to play parts of

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