Letters to the Editor August 2022

Praise for TST

To the Editor:

One of the smartest things I ever did in the past year is to subscribe to The Syncopated Times! I love it! I just love it and every time the hard paper copy arrives in my mailbox in North Carolina, I’m thrilled as I read it cover to cover! Just about every word! This July 2022 issue was no different.


Flint Long
Charlotte, NC

Thanks for the Memories! 

To the Editor:

When my late husband and I frequented The Yankee Silversmith Inn, we had the pleasure of being entertained by Bob Price and Jan Fitzpatrick. Little did I know that one day Bob Price and I would be friends.


After my husband died, I was introduced to the Galvanized Jazz Band here in Northford, CT. It was there that I met Joel Schiavone who encouraged me to be a volunteer for the Great CT Jazz Festival in Moodus.

I became very active and, over the years, met many talented musicians. Among the many were Bob Price and Jeff Barnhart. I shall always be grateful for their friendship, talent, and respect for their fans.

The Yankee Silversmith Inn opened in 1953 and sadly closed in 1991. The Inn’s photo (“My Inspirations,” TST, July 2022) shows the vintage Parlour Car – 1894 – RR Coach.

Jeff, thanks for the memories.

Jean M. Hadley
Northford, CT

Praise and Corrections

To the Editor:

I wish to thank Joe Bebco for his insightful and quite lengthy review of my new book Life Through The Eyes Of A Jazz Journalist. I really appreciate it.

There are a few little errors in the review but nothing harmful. I’d like to point out two. When I was commissioned to write a series of jazz books, it was not five books in five years but actually five in two years. Writing five books in five years would have been much easier!

And while it is stated that I play melodica and trumpet, I actually play melodica, clarinet, and tenor sax. Believe me, you would not want to hear me play trumpet. I can only get two notes on the horn. One is godawful and the other is much worse!

Great Jazz!

Scott Yanow
Lake Hughes, CA

Shades of Letterman 

To the Editor:

My husband and I have been subscribers for many years, beginning with The Mississippi Rag and through the present. We are also enthusiastic cruisers with one of your advertisers, Jazzfest at Sea. In fact, we learned about jazz cruising (and jazz parties) through this publication and its predecessors.

I am enclosing a short article (approx. 550 words) proclaiming why we love our annual adventure.

Like all things jazz, our fear is that with the aging of the jazz audience, opportunities like jazz cruises and parties will disappear and with them the experiences of hearing in person the extraordinarily talented musicians that continue to perform live music, sometimes under the radar. It is my hope that you will see fit to publish my submission. Whatever happens, we will remain steadfast jazz fans (and Syncopated Times fans) for the rest of our days.

Sharon DePue
Shorewood, WI

Somewhere, Dave Letterman is smiling. Okay, here it is! -Ed.

Andy Senior is the Publisher of The Syncopated Times and on occasion he still gets out a Radiola! podcast for our listening pleasure.

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