Australian Jazz Connection Headed for Pismo Jazz Fest!

Musicians from overseas relocate to the United States to make it big and play jazz in the land of its birth. It’s a tradition as old as American jazz musicians heading overseas to find an appreciative audience for their music. But I bet you didn’t realize just how many Australians were among the musicians you see on stage when you attend jazz festivals.

The jazz scene in Australia is significantly more accepting of traditional jazz than you find elsewhere, and many players, as they are nurturing a personal style, will play in various genres. Australian transplants also like to stay in touch and many who have found success Stateside will, of course, visit home from time to time. Australian jazz trombonist and vocalist Paul Ingle has played with many of them either before or after they left for the land of jazz, which gave him the idea for the Australian Jazz Connection show to take place at this falls Pismo Beach Jazz Jubilee by the Sea.


Ingle, who still lives in Melbourne, will lead five musicians currently residing around North America, here’s the breakdown of where they are originally from, where they live now and what they’ll play:

  • Simon Stribling – Trumpet – Melbourne/Whistler
  • Jon Hunt – Reeds – Adelaide/Princeton
  • Paul Ingle – Trombone/Vocals – Melbourne
  • Chris Saunders – Piano/Vocals – Queensland/New Orleans
  • Jen Hodge – Bass/Vocals – Tasmania/Vancouver
  • Barnaby Gold – Drums/Vocals – Melbourne/New Orleans

They all have exciting careers on their own, but this is a unique chance to see them on one stage. Another Australian, Adrian Cunningham, will also appear at Pismo with his band, which shows you just how important Australia is to traditional jazz in the US.

Pismo will also host plenty of top American groups including Cornet Chop Suey, The Midiri Brothers, The Night Blooming Jazz Men, Pat Yankee, and several guest artists of note including Danny Coots, Bob Draga, and Sonny Carl Leyland. Topping off the great lineup for this year will be both Tuba Skinny, who made their first international appearances in Australia back in 2011, and the Shake ‘Em Up Jazz Band who have been bringing down the house at festivals all over.


Joe Bebco is the Associate Editor of The Syncopated Times and Webmaster of

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