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Erskine Tate (1901-1975)
Erskine Tate (January 14, 1895-December 17, 1978, the original RHJ Archive had the dates wrong) was a violinist and leader of a band that played at the Vendome Theatre in Chicago (3143-45 East 31st at State Street) from 1919 to 1928. Among the musicians who played with the Vendome Orchestra were Louis ArmstrongLil Hardin-Armstong and Freddie Keppard.Erskine Tate's Vendome Orchestra

Erskine Tate was active in Chicago as a bandleader until the mid-1930s playing the music for Leo A. Seltzer’s Walkathons which were marathon dances. It is interesting to note that comedians Dick “Lord” Buckley and Red Skelton were the masters of ceremonies at these dance marathons. Tate left show business in the late 1930s and became a music teacher.

band or session leader

Erskine Tate and his Vendome Orchestra


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