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Harry Reser (1896-1965)
Harry Reser (January 17, 1896 – September 27, 1965) was perhaps the greatest banjoist of the 1920s if not the greatest banjoist of all time. He got his start playing in dance bands in his home state of Ohio and in the Midwest, moved to Buffalo, New York in 1920 and then to New York City in 1921, where he soon became a sought-after session musician. Reser released a series of solo banjo records starting in 1921 which proved that the banjo was not just a rhythm instrument.

In 1925, he was picked to become the director and frontman for the Clicquot Club Eskimo Orchestra on the NBC radio network. This weekly half-hour show, sponsored by Clicquot Club ginger ale, made Reser quite well known and was on the air until 1935.

During the 1920s and 1930s, he also led MANY bands using an amazing number of pseudonyms. Reser continued to be quite active in music for the rest of his life, touring, leading television studio orchestras, playing in Broadway orchestras, recording and writing several popular banjo, guitar and ukulele instruction books. He died of a heart attack in 1965 while tuning up in the orchestra pit before a performance of the Broadway stage version of “Fiddler On The Roof”.

TitleRecording DateRecording LocationCompany
An Island Made For Two
(w/ Frank Banta at the piano)
2-12-1926New York, New YorkBrunswick
Bimini Bay
(w/ Rega Dance Orchestra)
10-1-1921New York, New YorkOkeh
Boll Weevil Blues
(w/ Vernon Dalhart and Ed Smalle on kazoos)
7-1-1924New York, New YorkOkeh
Bringing Home The Bacon
(w/ Thomas Griselle at the piano)
6-23-1924New York, New YorkGennett
(Piano by Bill Wirges)

(Klagan / Golden)
3-2-1927New York, New YorkBrunswick
(w/ Bill Wirges at the piano)
3-2-1927New York, New YorkBrunswick
Cracker Jack
(w/ piano accompaniment)

(Harry Reser)
10-28-1930New York, New YorkBrunswick
Crazy Jo’
(w/ orchestra)

(Harry Reser)
8-1-1922New York, New YorkBrunswick
Crazy Jo’
(w/ Ferde Grofe at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
4-1-1923London, EnglandColumbia
Crazy Joe
(Harry Reser)
1-1-1922New York, New YorkOkeh
Don’t Say Good-Bye
(w/ Phil Ohman at the piano)
4-4-1922New York, New YorkColumbia
Easy Goin’
(w/ piano accompaniment)

(Harry Reser)
11-1-1923New York, New YorkOkeh
Easy Goin’
(w/ M. Scalzo at the piano)
5-1-1924New York, New YorkParamount
Everybody Step
(w/ Rega Dance Orchestra)
10-1-1921New York, New YorkOkeh
Fair And Warmer
(w/ Milton J. Rettenberg at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
7-17-1928New York, New YorkColumbia
(w/ piano accompaniment)

(Jesse Greer)
10-28-1930New York, New YorkBrunswick
Frosted Chocolate
(w/ Wm. F. Wirges at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
5-3-1928New York, New YorkBrunswick
Hard Hearted Hannah
(w/ Thomas Griselle at the piano)
6-23-1924New York, New YorkGennett
Heebe Jeebes
(w/ Bill Wirges at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
6-19-1925New York, New YorkColumbia
Heebie Jeebies
(w/ Bill Wirges at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
10-15-1925New York, New YorkVocalion
Heebie Jeebies
(w/ Paul Rickenback at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
3-28-1927New York, New YorkEdison
I Gave You Up Just Before You Threw Me Down
(w/ Phil Ohman at the piano)
4-4-1922New York, New YorkColumbia
(w/ Russell Carlson at the piano)
7-11-1929New York, New YorkEdison
Lolly Pops
(w/ piano accompaniment)

(Harry Reser)
11-1-1923New York, New YorkOkeh
Lolly Pops (take 1)
(w/ M. Scalzo at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
5-1-1924New York, New YorkParamount / Triangle
Lolly Pops (take 2)
(w/ M. Scalzo at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
5-1-1924New York, New YorkParamount
Lolly Pops
(w/ Bill Wirges at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
10-19-1926New York, New YorkVictor
Lolly Pops
(w/ Paul Rickenback at the piano

(Harry Reser)
3-28-1927New York, New YorkEdison
Oh ! Boy, What A Girl
(w/ Bill Wirges at the piano)
9-25-1925New York, New YorkVocalion
(w/ Henry Lange at the piano)
7-1-1923London, EnglandColumbia
(w/ orchestra)

(Harry Reser)
8-1-1922New York, New YorkBrunswick
(w/ Ferde Grofe at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
4-1-1923London, EnglandColumbia
Sugar Blues
(w/ Frank Banta at the piano)
2-1-1923New York, New YorkOkeh
(w/ Henry Lange at the piano)
7-1-1923London, EnglandColumbia
Tamiami Trail
(w/ Frank Banta at the piano)
2-12-1926New York, New YorkBrunswick
The Cat And The Dog
(w/ Milton J. Rettenberg at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
7-17-1928New York, New YorkColumbia
The Clock And The Banjo
(w/ Bill Wirges at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
10-19-1926New York, New YorkVictor
The Clock And The Banjo
(w/ Paul Rickenback at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
1-1-1927New York, New YorkEdison
The Old Town Pump
(w/ Paul Rickenback at the piano)

(Harry Reser)
1-1-1927New York, New YorkEdison
Trainin’ The Fingers
(w/ Russell Carlson at the piano)
7-11-1929New York, New YorkEdison
Turkey In The Straw
(w/ Frank Banta at the piano)
2-1-1923New York, New YorkOkeh
Ukulele Lady
(w/ Bill Wirges at the piano)

(Whiting / Kahn)
6-19-1925New York, New YorkColumbia
When The Robert E. Lee Comes To Town
(w/ Russell Carlson at the piano)
2-3-1928New York, New YorkBrunswick

Ambassadors Dance OrchestraAmerican Dance Orchestra
Apex SyncopatorsAriel Dance Orchestra
Frank Arnold and His OrchestraFrank Auburn and His Orchestra
The BadgersThe Blue Jays
The Blue KittensThe Blue Room Club Orchestra
The BluebirdsThe Bostonians
Brenan’s Broadway BandBroadway Melody Makers
Broadway Music MastersBroadway Syncopators
George Brooks and His SyncopatorsThe Caberet Dance Orchestra
The Campus BoysThe Caroliners
Casino Dance OrchestraThe Century Serenaders
Chicago RedheadsThe Clevelanders
The Clicquot Club EskimosThe Collegians
Jerome Conrad and His OrchestraCorona Dance Band
Cosmopolitan PlayersMatty Crawford’s Orchestra
Cuban Rumba OrchestraCurry’s Dance Orchestra
Bert Dalan’s OrchestraDenza Dance Band
Diplomat OrchestraDiplomat Novelty Orchestra
Dixie DaisiesDixie Jazz Band
Eldon’s Dance OrchestraEmbassy Dance Band
Jerry Fenwyck and His OrchestraThe Five Musical Blackbirds
Florida Harmony KingsThe Four Minstrels
Frisco SyncopatorsNathan Glantz and His Dance Orchestra
Lew Gold and His OrchestraGolden Gate Orchestra
Grafton OrchestraGrand Pree Novelty Band
Grand Pree Novelty Dance OrchestraGrand Pree Novelty Orchestra
Eden Hall and His BandHannan Dance Band
Frank Harrison’s Banjo BandBilly Hays and His Orchestra
Fletcher Henderson’s CollegiansSi Higgins and His Sodbusters
Hollywood Dance OrchestraPhil Hughes and His High Hatters
Imperial Dance OrchestraAl Jack and His Crackerjacks
Jack’s Fast Steppin’ Bell HopsThe Jazz Band Pilots
The Jazz PilotsJimmy Johnston’s Rebels
Rex King and His SovereignsSam Lanin U.S. Orchester
Sam Lanin’s Famous PlayersChester Leighton and His Sophomores
Phil Lewis Joy BoysLos Angeles Ambassadors
Majestic Dance OrchestraMarlborough Orchestra
Earl Marlow’s OrchestraMartin’s Dance Orchestra
Maxsa Dance OrchestraMayfield Dance Orchestra
Memphis Melody BoysMetropolitan Dance Orchestra
Midnight RamblersMidnight Serenaders
Mills Merry MakersMimosa Dance Orchestra
Missouri Jazz BandMonarch Orchestra
Jimmy Murray Melody MastersSam Nash and His Orchestra
New Jersey Dance OrchestraThe New York Syncopators
The New York TwelveNight Club Orchestra
Odeon SyncopatorsOkeh Syncopators
The Okeh TrioEarl Oliver’s Jazz Babies
Original Dixie Rag PickersPalm Beach Serenaders
Park Lane OrchestraParlophone Syncopators
Pavilion PlayersPennington Orchestra
Will Perry and His OrchestraPierrot Syncopators
The Plantation PlayersThe Plaza Band
The Radio All Star Novelty OrchestraThe Rambling Ragadors
Earl Randolf’s OrchestraRaymond Dance Orchestra
The Red DandiesThe Red Hotters
Regal Dance OrchestraRegent Dance Orchestra
Rendezvous Cafe OrchestraHarry F. Reser’s Novelty Trio
Harry F. Reser’s TrioHarry Reser and His Eskimos
Harry Reser and His Jumping JacksHarry Reser and His Orchestra
Harry Reser’s Banjo BoysHarry Reser’s Dance Orchestra
Harry Reser’s OrchestraHarry Reser’s Quartette
Harry Reser’s Radio BandHarry Reser’s Rounders
Harry Reser’s String OrchestraHarry Reser’s Syncopators
Harry Reser’s Radio BandReser Trio
Reser’s Banjo OrchestraReser’s Dance Orchestra
The Rhythmic TroubadoursHarry Richards’ Orchestra
Rieser TrioRio Trio
Tom Rock and His OrchestraThe Rounders
The Roving RomeosRoxy Dance Orchestra
Al Royal CollegiansThe Royale Dance Orchestra
The Royale Dance TrioThe Royale Trio
Eddie Russell’s Kings of SyncopationSan Francisco Dance Orchestra
Savoy Dance BandSavoy Marimba Boys Orchestra
Savoy Sinkops OkiestraThe Seven Blue Babies
The Seven Little Polar BearsSeven Rag Pickers
Seven Wild MenSheridan Entertainers
The Six HayseedsSix Jumping Jacks
Southern Dixie SyncopatorsTom Stacks and His Minute Men
Tom Stacks and His OrchestraThe Ten Freshmen
Tennessee Happy BoysThe Tickle Toe Ten
The TroubadoursTuxedo Orchestra
University BoysUniversity Jazzmasters
University Six and Their OrchestraThe Vagabonds
Varsity FourThe Victorian Syncopators
The Volunteer FiremenGeorge Wells and His Orchestra
Ted White’s CollegiansJay Wilbur Orchestra
Windsor OrchestraBill Wirges and his Orchestra
Will Wirges and his OrchestraBill Wirgis and his Orchestra
Barney Zeeman’s Kentucky Cardinals

Harry Reser and His EskimosRoy Mack1936

The Great Harry ReserW. W. (Bill) Triggs1978, H. G. Waker


St Louis Cotton Club Band 1925 was a pioneering website during the "Information wants to be Free" era of the 1990s. In that spirit we are recovering the lost data from the now defunct site and sharing it with you.
Most of the music in the archive is in the form of MP3s hosted on or the French servers of where this music is all in the public domain.
Files unavailable from those sources we host ourselves. They were made from original 78 RPM records in the hands of private collectors in the 1990s who contributed to the original They were hosted as .ra files originally and we have converted them into the more modern MP3 format. They are of inferior quality to what is available commercially and are intended for reference purposes only. In some cases a Real Audio (.ra) file from will download. Don't be scared! Those files will play in many music programs, but not Windows Media Player.

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