New Wonders Release Debut Album

Mike Davis New WondersThe New Wonders, a septet led by cornetist Mike Davis (featured on the cover of our November 2017 issue), have unofficially released their first self-titled album. The New Wonders play hot 1920s-style jazz with an emphasis on authentic charts and instrumentation; their 15-track disc features selections originally performed by cornetists Bix Beiderbecke and Red Nichols, but with nods to the Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra, the Dorsey Brothers, and Tiny Parham and his Musicians.

The band’s name refers to the model of instrument favored by Beiderbecke, the Conn “New Wonder” cornet.

Great Jazz!

The New Wonders are Mike Davis, cornet; Ricky Alexander, reeds; Joe McDonough, trombone; Jared Engel, banjo; Dalton Ridenhour, piano; Jay Rattman, bass sax; and Jay Lepley, drums. Mike Davis also vocalizes on several numbers, and Davis, Alexander, Rattman, and Lepley sing harmony à la The Deep River Quintet as heard on recordings by The Chicago Loopers.

As of this writing, an official release date of The New Wonders has not been announced; according to Mike Davis, the CD will soon be available for ordering online. For more information, please visit

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