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Jimmy Durante's Original New Orleans Jazz Band - 1917
Jimmy Durante’s Original New Orleans Jazz Band – 1917 Left to Right: Johnny Stein, Frank Christian, Frank Lotak, Achille Baquet, Jimmy Durante

This band was organized by drummer Johnny Stein after Stein’s Dixie Jass Band broke up and became the Original Dixieland Jass Band. It is interesting to note that Achille Baquet was an African-American, but passed for White and played for mainly White bands in New Orleans, including Papa Jack Laine’s Reliance Orchestra. His brother George Baquet was a member of the Original Creole Orchestra and Jelly Roll Morton’s Red Hot Peppers. The band also recorded under the names of the New Orleans Jazz Band and Jimmy Durante’s Jazz Band.

Thanks to Al Simmons for the recordings on this page.


TitleRecording DateRecording LocationCompany
He’s Had No Lovin’ For A Long, Long Time
(William Tracey / Maceo Pinkard)
1-1919New York, New YorkGennett

He’s Had No Lovin’ For A Long, Long Time
(William Tracey / Maceo Pinkard)
3-1919New York, New YorkGennett

Ja Da
(Introducing “You’ll Find Old Dixieland In France”)

(Bob Carlton)
1-1919New York, New YorkGennett

Ja Da
(Introducing “You’ll Find Old Dixieland In France”)

(Bob Carlton U.S.N.R.F.)
3-1919New York, New YorkGennett

Ja Da
(Introducing “You’ll Find Old Dixieland In France”)

(Bob Carlton U.S.N.R.F.)
3-1919New York, New YorkGennett


Achille BaquetClarinet
Frank ChristianCornet
Jimmy DurantePiano
Arnold LoyacanoDrums
Frank LhotakTrombone
Johnny SteinDrums


St Louis Cotton Club Band 1925 was a pioneering website during the "Information wants to be Free" era of the 1990s. In that spirit we are recovering the lost data from the now defunct site and sharing it with you.
Most of the music in the archive is in the form of MP3s hosted on or the French servers of where this music is all in the public domain.
Files unavailable from those sources we host ourselves. They were made from original 78 RPM records in the hands of private collectors in the 1990s who contributed to the original They were hosted as .ra files originally and we have converted them into the more modern MP3 format. They are of inferior quality to what is available commercially and are intended for reference purposes only. In some cases a Real Audio (.ra) file from will download. Don't be scared! Those files will play in many music programs, but not Windows Media Player.

The site supplying most of the MP3 files to the Red Hot Jazz Archive pages on is down and many links no longer work. You may find the original and download all of the original RealMedia .ra music files on the WayBackMachine at