Follow these links to see the show live, or see a tape of the show once it is over.
Saturday October 24th 11am-7pm West Coast Time on Facebook & YouTube
Sunday October 25th 11am-7pm West Coast Time on Facebook & YouTube
The Basin Street Regulars are taking the plunge and will be presenting a “Virtual” festival this year, our 44th Jazz Jubilee by the Sea. We could not let ourselves break our long festival tradition and have resolved to give our fans what they want, especially during these times of great challenge for musicians and fans alike.
This event is being presented as a way to raise money to benefit Jubilee musicians who have been unable to perform at their capacity due to the restrictions imposed during the pandemic.
We are very excited to roll out our lineup for Virtual 2020 Jazz Jubilee by the Sea, which will be broadcast from our “studio” at the old “Turk’s Place” tent at St. Anthony’s in Pismo Beach. Those of you who have attended our festival in previous years know it well.
The event will be held during our usual weekend, October 24th and 25th, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (time subject to change). For more information about this event as it unfolds, go to the Basin Street Regulars website. The Livestream will be broadcast on the Facebook page of the Pismo Jazz Jubilee, and also on our Basin Street Regulars YouTube Channel. We hope to have a link to send out at least a day in advance of the event.

Carl Sonny Leyland will be our “Master of Ceremonies” and will be present throughout the production, introducing the next band or video, interviewing some of the artists and playing piano vignettes in between, both solo and with “friends” including Dawn Lambeth, Marc Caperone, Washboard Steve and Dave Ruffner.Accomplished local banjoist Gary Ryan will also lead a “friends” set.
We asked all of our 2020 bands to provide a video of two sets. Some bands that live within driving distance may perform “live” for our internet audience. We are expecting that these bands will do a performance in our “studio” at Turk’s Place.
Bands that have committed to making a video or appearing live include Tom Rigney and Flambeau, Barrelhouse Wailers, High Street, Holy Crow Jazz Band, Creole Syncopators, Gator Nation, Gino and the Lone Gunmen, Mariachi Autlence, Gary Ryan, Riptide and Crescent Katz. Molly Reeves and Naham Zdybel will submit a video of them performing as a duo, to us, as will Sheri Colby and Matty Bottel from Blue Street. Adrian Cunningham is creating a video for us from Barcelona, Spain. We can’t wait to see that! Bob Schulz will also be putting a set together with local San Francisco musicians. Paul Ingle was going to put together a band from Australia and submit a video, but new COVID restrictions in Australia prevent gatherings of any kind.
Stay tuned as more bands may join the roster!
We will be working with Valerie and Simon Mercado from the local “Noble Productions” company to put together the best show possible, both pre-recorded and live. Simon has been helping us with the last five Livestreams. We are all learning as we go.
The money we receive from donations will be used to cover the expenses for putting on the event and then, most importantly, to pay the participating musicians, both those that perform live and those that provided videos. We are hoping that our audience will be generous this year so that we can give back to the community that supports our passion. You can sponsor a band for $250, which will give you a shout-out by Sonny Leyland during the event.
We have some other perks for you, including special commemorative 2020 lapel pins and face masks. Donors of $250 will get a blue 2020 lapel pin and a face mask. Donations of more than $250 will get a special purple 2020 commemorative lapel pin (please don’t send $251, you know what’s right) and a face mask. Donations of any size will help and we will distribute the proceeds among the participating musicians at the conclusion of the festival.
If you wish to pre-sponsor a band, the link will be:
If you wish to donate any amount in advance (strongly encouraged), our donation link is:
or you can mail a check to:
Jazz Jubilee by the Sea
c/o P.O. Box 356
Pismo Beach, CA 93448
Let’s all work together to make this a successful event and support our musicians in 2020 so that there will still be bands left to perform for us in 2021!
Rhonda Cardinal
Festival Director
Virtual Jazz Jubilee by the Sea 2020
Rhonda Cardinal is Festival Director of Jubilee by the Sea, an annual event hosted by the Basin Street Regulars in Pismo Beach and Arroyo Grande, California. Visit the festival/club website at