Ken Peplowski Bounces Back After COVID

The fifteen months between March 2020 and June 2021 were rough for most of us, but musicians had a particularly difficult time during that period. Some, like Ken Peplowski, were so unfortunate as to contract COVID-19. In this interview, Schaen Fox talks with Ken about his recovery and his determination to keep making music during the pandemic. -Ed. Schaen Fox: When and how did you contract COVID-19? Ken Peplowski: In late March of 2020. I had a fever that shot up to 103. I called my doctor the next day. If you remember how chaotic things were in those beginning days, I think he gave me the right advice. He said “Listen, if you think you can handle this on your own, just stay in bed, and drink a lot of fluids. Avoid the hospitals, the doctors and the walk-in clinics because you’ll get worse if you go into those places right now.” So, I did. How I contracted it, I have no idea. It lasted almost three weeks. It was just the fever, and almost like pneumonia. You start to feel good, and then as soon as soon as you do anything, like walk to the kitchen, your fever spikes again. I have had some long-term health problems since: I’ve had a weird metallic taste in my mouth sometimes, or waking up on certain days feeling completely exhausted and drained of energy, even though I didn’t do anything before, and congestion in the lungs. Any difficulty breathing? No. In the morning; I
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