Chema Peñalver • Sophisticated Clarinet
Chema Peñalver is an accomplished clarinetist and music professor in Spain but may be unfamiliar to our readers. That will hopefully change in coming months

Digby Fairweather • Notes From a Jazz Life
A few months back Dan Barrett had an essay subtitled “What’s in a Name?” which listed off all the amazing jazzmen blessed with monikers that

Klaus Lessmann • Euphonic Sounds
Klaus Lessmann’s trad chops are real: his other works have included a sextet tribute to Jelly Roll Morton and his Abbey Road Dixie Band plays

Eyal Vilner Big Band • Live in Washington Square Park
One of the more successful big bands in NYC, certainly of those run by young people, the Eyal Vilner Big Band can be heard at

Sarah Spencer’s Global Ramblers • The Trio Sessions, Vol. 1
This trio album is, broadly speaking, the most “traditional” of my reviews this month. That’s saying something considering a mere 18 months ago the means

Michael McQuaid & Curtis Volp • Duets for No Reason at All
Michael McQuaid should be a household name among traditional jazz fans. He’s one of the top reedmen of this generation and a force behind many
Joe Bebco is the Associate Editor of The Syncopated Times and Webmaster of SyncopatedTimes.com