The Shake ‘Em Up Jazz Band

The Shake ‘Em Up Jazz Band is an all-female supergroup made up of some of the most sought-after young stars of the New Orleans Traditional Jazz scene. We reviewed their first two CDs in our May 2018 issue. The second CD, “A Women’s Place”, consists of compositions written or arranged by women. In September 2019 we reviewed their third CD, The Boy in the Boat.

An inside look at the band can be found in our profiles of Marla Dixon and Molly Reeves. We profiled Chloe Feoranzo and Haruka Kikuchi before the band got started. Give us time and we’ll get to the other two members.


Here’s the lineup with links to feature stories we’ve run on some of the members:

Check out this excellent video of a recent live performance, you’ve never seen washboard like this.


Learn more at their Website

Joe Bebco is the Associate Editor of The Syncopated Times and Webmaster of

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