Big Bill Bissonnette, Musician and Founder of the Jazz Crusade Label has passed.
“Big” Bill Bissonnette, a legendary trombonist, drummer, and advocate for New Orleans music has passed, he was 81. In his early career, he helped to promote
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“Big” Bill Bissonnette, a legendary trombonist, drummer, and advocate for New Orleans music has passed, he was 81. In his early career, he helped to promote
“Static From My Attic” would make a great title for an antique radio blog, but, it is just a coincidence that this month Andy Senior
After personal and physical setbacks veteran Clarinetist Ken Peplowski was forced to take a breather for much of the spring while his hand recovered from
Before fading memory erases these special events… Although last week’s Bunny Berigan Jazz Jubilee in Fox Lake, Wisconsin was announced as the last one, it provided
All of our content is now posted online, including reviews for these items, so this column will not be continued… look at the full issue
In our June issue we will be profiling Drew Nugent. Along with his band, The Midnight Society, he’s been reviving and shaping the traditional music
CNN has a story out for International Jazz Day, April 30th, which highlights how the creativity involved in improve jazz has been studied by nueroscientists.
Bob Ringwald, a well known Dixieland Jazz pianist and the father of actress and vocalist Molly Ringwald, suffered a medical issue on a Southwest flight
On August 11, my wife and I saw a screening of the much-hailed restoration of Universal᾽s 1930 Technicolor spectacular, The King of Jazz, featuring Paul
Can free and paid jazz compliment each other or do they contradict the purpose of a jazz festival? With non-paying audiences five times larger than