Jazz Goes Collegiate!

Four and a half years ago I first met Colin Hancock, whose recognition and reputation as an eminent authority on early jazz, especially that performed by college bands, continues to grow. It was February 26, 2017—the 100th anniversary of the first recording by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. On that day I went to Ithaca, NY, to see the Original Cornell Syncopators, founded and led by Colin, perform the music of the ODJB. Many people consider this record—Victor 18255—as the first jazz recording, but more erudite voices have found what would be considered jazz to have been recorded a little earlier. The OCS subsequently went on to learn and perform the music of important bands of the early 20s, to perform at several jazz festivals, and to produce two CDs—Wild Jazz and Live at the Triad. The latter is just what it says—a concert recorded at the Triad Theater on W. 72nd Street in Manhattan. I was there, too. I booked the band for the Tri-State Jazz Society in November, 2018. One week later they made their second of two consecutive appearances at the San Diego Jazz Festival. By now all the original OCS members have graduated (save for Professor Robbert van Renesse, banjoist, guitarist, and faculty advisor), but Colin continues to create and lead bands to perform—and now record—this early music, much of which is overlooked by even some well-known and respected contemporary
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Bill Hoffman is a travel writer, an avid jazz fan and a supporter of musicians keeping traditional jazz alive in performance. He is the concert booker for the Tri-State Jazz Society in greater Philadelphia. Bill lives in Lancaster, PA. He is the author of Going Dutch: A Visitors Guide to the Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Unique and Unusual Places in the Mid-Atlantic Region, and The New York Bicycle Touring Guide. Bill lives in Lancaster, PA.

Colin Hancock led the Buddy Bolden Cylinder Project while still inhighschool, recruiting experts on the topic to assist him. In college, he founded The Original Cornell Syncopators taking the group as far as the San Diego Jazz Festival. He cuts cylinder records and acoustic 78s of himselfand other musicians, and creates remarkable overdubbed early jazz performances on which heplaysevery instrument.You may hear themat www.youtube.com/user/SemperPhonographCo.

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