Blowing Off The Dust

Sheet Music Orgy

Have you ever immersed yourself in a trivial pursuit while important tasks needed your immediate attention? Well, a friend recently added six inches of sheet

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CC Hubbard

Healing a Racial Divide

This is a pleasant article for me to write, though it resurrects a reminder of unpleasant times. I hope readers will find the healing nature

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Neighbors Unaware…

I recently made a connection that has been in front of me for 40 plus years and which has nearly bowled me over. I spent

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Song Introductions

I was writing an autumn poem for our local nature reserve newsletter this morning describing family trips I remember as a kid. I grew up

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Ragtime Community

Our Ragtime Community

I have been thinking a lot about our ragtime community these past months in forced isolation. Not that I have been unaware of the other

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Harrigan’s Orpheum

I am blowing off the dust this month with Max Morath. There are so many stories from his long career, but I am beginning with

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Stepping Out Of The Shade

As I watch civilization slowly emerge from our pandemic hibernation, I realize we still live in a dangerous world. I find myself in a tentative

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Maple Leaf Rag Contract

Scott Joplin Autographs

For many admirers, a personally signed autograph is a treasured keepsake. For over fifty years I avidly accumulated these bits of personalized ephemera. It all

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Carolina ’Cue Wars…

I believe I have made more valuable and lasting friendships in the past year of so-called social isolation, than I have made in the past

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Railroad Rag

Ragtime and the Railroads

Recently, I have been considering the relationship between ragtime and the railroads more intently than ever. First, because Marcello Piras wrote to inquire about railroad

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